Teeth Whitening

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a method of removing stains from the surface of teeth. It can be achieved without toothpaste, with a teeth-whitening agent or strips. It is also possible to have teeth whitened as part of professional dental care. The teeth-whitening agent used is a chemical that removes the natural discoloration of teeth.

Process of teeth whitening

Teeth whitening takes anywhere from a few visits to the dentist up to six months. Most teeth whitening procedures require a series of treatments over a period of time, with at least one dental appointment each week.

Some dentists may offer pressure-sensitive teeth-whitening products that can be applied at home. The process is typically painless except for the first treatment, where some sensitivity is common.

The main aspect of teeth whitening is to remove surface stains by bleaching. A combination of a bleaching agent and hydrogen peroxide can be used. The bleaching agent reacts with the stains causing them to fade away. Hydrogen peroxide is used because it causes the tooth enamel to lighten up and matches the color of your teeth.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

There are a number of benefits to having white teeth. They include:

I. Improved appearance.

Having white teeth makes you appear more confident, outgoing, healthy and clean. Additionally, improved appearance can have an impact on your job performance and help you earn more money. The appearance of your teeth can make a better first impression when speaking to someone. For example, if you are a sales person, your appearance can make a difference in whether or not the customer decides to buy from you.

II. Improved Health

Going to the Torrance dentist for teeth whitening can improve your health as well. Teeth that are not cleaned properly can allow harmful bacteria to enter the bloodstream. This can lead to serious health complications and possible death. Having whiter and healthier teeth will help you prevent that from happening.

III. Increased confidence

Having white teeth can help with your confidence level in both personal and professional situations. Having whiter teeth is an indicator that you work hard on maintaining your appearance and care for your body overall. Confidence is important in the workplace and will help you get more assignments, and promotions and retain your customers.

IV. Increased self-esteem

Having whiter teeth can also improve your self-esteem. Having a more confident appearance can give you increased self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself. This will help with working independently as well because you have confidence in yourself which makes it easier to work alone.

V. Improved oral health

By removing stains from your teeth, you improve oral hygiene as well. Teeth that are more stained have more buildup and cause bad breath. Having whiter teeth will improve your overall oral health and decrease the amount of plaque buildup.

Who is it For?

Teeth whitening is for anyone whose teeth are discolored. This includes smokers, tea drinkers, those who consume a lot of coffee, and even those who drink red wine. Teeth discoloration can also be caused by medications or certain supplements.

Teeth whitening is a great way to improve your appearance and improve your health. By removing stains from your teeth, you make yourself look healthier and more attractive. This can lead to better job performance and increase your income. It is also a good way to boost your self-esteem and improve your confidence level. Your confidence will make it easier for you to go about life by yourself and make decisions independently.

Teeth Cleaning

What is teeth cleaning?

Teeth cleaning, also called dental prophylaxis, is the removal of plaque and tartar from teeth to prevent cavities and gum disease.

When professional teeth cleaning isn’t enough to remove tartar completely and/or your gums bleed when you brush or floss – it’s time for another form of teeth cleaning called scaling. Scaling is the removal of tartar that’s built up below the gum line that brushing and flossing can’t remove. A dental scaling service is important because tartar can only be removed in a dentist’s office.

Why do you need it?

  1. Prevents gum disease

When you have gum disease, your gums are inflamed, and they bleed when you brush or floss. The good news is that if you stop the damage now, you can probably stave off gum disease later by getting regular teeth cleaning and scaling to remove tartar buildup. If gum disease is left untreated for too long, it can get worse, and you could lose teeth.

  1. Prevents tooth decay

Having tartar stuck to your teeth makes it easier for plaque to stick around, which means that when bacteria in plaque combine with sugars in food, acid is produced. Acid attacks the enamel on your teeth over time, making them weaker and more prone to erosion.

  1. Prevents bad breath

We know it’s hard to believe, but plaque buildup can contribute to bad breath. Bacteria in plaque multiply and produce odorous substances that are often the problem.

  1. Prevents tooth loss

If you have tartar buildup, it’s harder for your Apex dentist to do a filling. Without regular cleanings and scaling by your dentist, the untreated buildup can lead to tooth loss.

  1. Prevents infection

Infection from gum disease can spread from your gums into the bone around your teeth. This is called alveolar osteitis or periostitis, and it causes jaw pain that won’t go away, even after your gums improve with treatment. Once the infection reaches the bone, it can’t be reversed.

Who can benefit from it?

Anyone with gum disease or who is at risk of developing gum disease. That includes you if:

  • You have bad breath that won’t go away on its own or that comes back after a couple of weeks
  • Your gums bleed when you brush, floss, or clean your teeth between your teeth with a tool called an interdental cleaner
  • Your gums have receded to the point that your teeth look longer than normal

If none of those sound familiar, it’s still a good idea to get regular teeth cleaning and scaling. It isn’t painful or uncomfortable, but if you have any questions about why you might need it, talk to your dentist.


  1. How often should I get teeth cleaning?

That depends on how well you do at home. If you follow your dentist’s instructions about not letting plaque build up, then once every six months may be enough for you. But if you have an especially hard time with brushing and flossing, or if you have a lot of tartar buildup, your dentist may recommend getting teeth cleaning and scaling every 3 months.

  1. Does it hurt?

No, but it might tickle a little bit when the water sprays into your mouth during teeth cleaning. Your teeth cleaning will be done just as quickly without the spray, which you might prefer anyway. If you feel any pain at all – even a pinprick – let your dentist know right away.

  1. What do I need to do before my appointment?

Eat or drink only liquids for at least an hour before your appointment so the dental hygienist can see what’s under your gums. If you wear dentures, remove them for an hour before your appointment so they can be checked too.

  1. What do I need to bring with me?

Your insurance card and a list of any medications you take regularly or as needed, including dosage instructions.

  1. How will my teeth cleaning and scaling be done?

We’ll start by cleaning the visible parts of your teeth. Then we’ll clean under your gums and floss to ensure all plaque is removed from between your teeth, either with ultrasonic tools or with tiny hand instruments called scalers that look like metal picks.

Then we’ll give you a fluoride treatment for any spots on your teeth that need it, and we’ll give you a prescription for fluoride mouthwash to use twice a day if you haven’t already been prescribed one.

  1. What should I expect after my teeth cleaning?

You may experience a little sensitivity in your gums or sore teeth from the air spray that’s used during the cleaning process. That will go away quickly after you rinse with plain water. And the plaque that was removed will give your gums a feeling of freshness that can last for several days, especially if you keep these steps up at home:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, using a proper technique (see our tips below)
  • Rinse after eating or drinking anything besides water, for at least 30 seconds
  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar or starch since these will cause more plaque to form on your teeth
  • If you wear dentures, keep them clean and store them safely so they don’t damage the soft tissues in your mouth
  1. What if I’m nervous?

It’s normal to feel a little anxious about your appointment, but the dental hygienist will help you relax by talking with you and making sure she uses gentle tools.


Tartar build up can be harmful to your oral health and gums. Getting teeth cleaning every six months is a good idea for everyone, even if you haven’t noticed any problems with your gums or teeth yet. If you have gum disease already, it’s important to get regular cleanings so that your condition doesn’t worsen.


Dentures are a popular option for those who are missing some or all of their teeth. They can get made from a variety of materials, including plastic and metal, and come in a range of styles to suit each individual’s needs. While dentures have many benefits, there are also some things you need to know about them. In this article, we’ll discuss dentures so that you can decide if they’re the right choice for you.

What is Dentures?

Dentures are a removable dental appliance that can replace missing teeth. They are made of acrylic or plastic, and fit over your gums. Dentures can get used to restore your smile and improve your quality of life. There are different types of dentures, so it is important to consult with your dentist at Allenwood Dental to find the best option for you.

Most people have used dentures for centuries to replace missing teeth. Though the materials and techniques have changed over time, the goal of dentures remains the same: to help people eat and speak normally, and to improve their appearance. Professionals make dentures from a variety of materials, including plastic, acrylic, metal, or ceramic. They can be partial dentures, which replace only some of the missing teeth, or full dentures, which replace all the missing teeth.

Seven Benefits of Dentures

There are many reasons people wear dentures. The major benefit of wearing dentures is that it makes chewing and talking easier for the wearer. People who have lost all their teeth because of old age, disease, or injury can gain a lot from using dentures. This article lists and describes seven benefits of wearing dentures:

1. They Ensure Ease of Speaking

People with missing teeth struggle with speaking as they find it difficult to pronounce words properly without full dental support. Dentures come in various shapes and sizes. As such, the dentist will choose the best type depending on the person’s facial features and current oral health status. You can enjoy having conversations with friends and family members once again, as your speech is no longer hindered by missing and uneven teeth.

2. Ease of Eating Food

When you have no teeth, it becomes very difficult to enjoy your favorite foods, such as apples and nuts. This is because if you put these types of food into your mouth without chewing thoroughly, they get stuck in the gaps where the teeth once were. This causes a lot of discomfort for people who do not wear dentures. For people who wear dentures, they can enjoy their favorite foods again with ease.

3. Prevents Bone Loss

There are 42 bones in our body and when we lose some of them due to tooth decay or injuries, the bone tissue continues to deteriorate and shrink over time, leaving us with less bone strength than what we originally had. Therefore, it is important for people with missing teeth to wear dentures as they prevent the bones in your mouth from deteriorating.

4. Prevents Sinus Congestion and Bad Breath

People who do not wear any dental support such as dentures often face closing of the air passages, which cause breathing difficulties and chronic sinus infection problems. People who have lost all their natural teeth often suffer from bad breath too because of food particles getting stuck between the gums and cheeks.

Wearing dentures can solve both these problems because you will breathe clearly and without obstructions while also having a clean mouth devoid of any food residues that lead to bad breath.

5. Prevents Loss of Facial Structure

When you lose your teeth, you also lose fullness in your face, which makes it look gaunt and sunken. They fit snugly dentures into the mouth where they fill out facial features to make them appear normal again.

6. Prevents Other Health Problems

People who have lost all their natural teeth often experience general body weakness, chronic fatigue, blood pressure fluctuations, weakened immune system and increased risk of heart diseases due to lack of proper nutrients in the body. To prevent these serious health conditions, people should wear dentures permanently once they have lost their natural teeth.

7. They Look Very Attractive

Dentures come in many shapes and sizes that can get customized based on personal preferences or relations to enhance their appearance. Wearing dentures can make you look like your old self again and solve problems with eating, speaking, and facial structure.

Who is It For?

Millions of adults in the United States and other parts of the world wear dentures. Dentures are not just for old people. You can get a set of dentures even if you are a young adult. However, the younger you are, the harder it will be for you to adjust with the prosthetic teeth. Young adults will probably need a set of dentures if their teeth get completely removed.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the perfect option for a person who wants to replace a missing tooth or teeth. People who dislike bridges and dentures wonder after losing their teeth from decay, injury, or accident. However, this innovative option is all they need. There are many benefits that dental implants offer that the other tooth replacement options can’t provide.

In this article, we’ll provide you with everything you need to know about dental implants by answering all the top questions.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium screws that are used to support artificial teeth. These posts replace the roots of teeth when they fail and are placed into the jawbone just like teeth roots.

Unlike bridges, crowns and dentures, dental implants are effective and a long-term solution for people who suffer from chronic dental problems, missing teeth and failing teeth. The titanium implant fixture fuses to the jaw’s living bone cells, making the dental implants feel comfortable and secure.

Thus, this union forms a strong anchor for the new teeth and eliminates any need for repair and worries when smiling.

Dental implants come in the following three parts:

  • The implant- This is the titanium screw attached permanently to the jaw and serves as the root replacement.
  • The abutment- This is the connector that supports and holds the tooth. It’s permanent, although the doctor can remove it.
  • The crown- Also known as a prosthetic tooth, is made of porcelain or zirconium and is part of the visible tooth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

1.They’re more comfortable and feel natural

Dental implants are placed directly into the jawbone to imitate a tooth’s root and give more strength and support. The jawbone grows around the implant as the healing process occurs, making it firmer. The stability provided by the implant makes one feel exactly like natural teeth. On the other hand, other replacement methods such as denture and bridge can’t give this comfortable feeling as they don’t simulate the tooth roots.

Additionally, dental implants ensure the teeth are locked firmly, which removes the discomfort of loose dentures or messy adhesives.

2.They offer improved appearance

The results look completely natural as dental implants are fixed with a prosthetic tooth. This tooth blends in perfectly in the mouth, and one can’t differentiate it from the real ones. Over time, this tooth becomes permanent as it’s designed to fuse with the jawbone. Thus, whether you put dentures, crowns or a bridge on the dental implants, no one will be able to notice them from the rest.

3.Dental implants prevent bone loss

The roots of the tooth encourage the jawbone to continue growing and strengthening. However, the bone around the missing tooth stops strengthening once the tooth is removed. But when a dental implant is placed the growth of a new bone is stimulated, and future bone loss is prevented. This process also helps in protecting the shape of one’s face.

4.They cause improved oral health.

Dental implants are a more conservative treatment option for missing teeth as it doesn’t interfere with the remaining teeth. This is because the implants are attached directly to the jaw, just like the case for natural teeth.

Whereas bridges impact the heathy teeth negatively as the crowns are placed on the healthy teeth next to the gap. This weakens healthy teeth. Thus, the dental implant is the best treatment as it maintains oral health even in the future.

5.They’re versatile

Unlike partial dentures and bridges, dental implants have no limitation on how many teeth one can replace. The options available for dental implants include a crown for a single tooth, a bridge or a partial denture for multiple and full denture for all teeth.

Who Are Dental Implants For?

A dental implant is usually okay for anyone healthy enough to undergo oral surgery or routine dental extraction. Implants are ideal for you if you have the following:

  • A fully-grown jawbone
  • Your oral tissues are healthy
  • Dislike wearing dentures
  • Don’t smoke tobacco
  • You have several months to dedicate to healing
  • You have a healthy bone to hold implants
  • You have a missing tooth


If you need a replacement for a tooth or more teeth, modern dentistry has many options for you. If you’re an ideal candidate for a dental implant, then this is the best treatment you can get. There are many benefits of dental implants, including improved appearance, versatility, improved oral health, and prevention of bone loss.

Dental Crowns

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are full-coverage restorations that fully encase the length of a tooth, usually made out of porcelain or metal. They are used to restore teeth with large cavities or maintain original tooth structure following endodontic therapy (root canal). Dental crowns are also placed over implants. Dental crown placement can repair large cavities, fractured teeth and strengthen the teeth.

Benefits of dental crowns

1) Protects the integrity of the remaining tooth structure: Dental crowns can be used to protect teeth that have large cavities. If the rest of the tooth is healthy, the crown can stop further decay by shielding against bacteria and food buildup.

2) Restores your natural bite: Crowns are made from many materials, including porcelain or metal, and can be matched beautifully with surrounding teeth when skilled at dental crown placement.

3) Acts as a guide when inserting an implant: When placed over an implant (metal post), implants serve as a guide for tooth replacement for patients who have lost teeth due to injury, disease, or other factors.

4) Helps maintain proper spacing: Some people naturally experience crowded or crooked teeth; if not corrected through orthodontics during childhood, this condition is usually permanent. Crowns can be used to even out the bite and restore proper spacing between teeth.

5) Boost self-confidence: Dental crowns enhance the appearance of your smile and boost self-confidence. If you need dental care but cannot afford it ask about community programs that help those who need dental work to get affordable or accessible procedures, including dental crown placement.

6) Cosmetic dental procedures: Crowns can also be used to improve the appearance of chipped, stained, or crooked teeth.

7) Repair fractured teeth: Dental crowns can repair a cracked tooth by fixing it together; this is usually done when the cost to restore the tooth with a filling does not outweigh the benefits.

8) Maintain your natural bite following treatment for gum disease: Following periodontal surgery, crown placement restores proper function and stops further bone loss.

9) Attaches partial or complete dentures to remaining teeth: If you have lost some of your natural teeth due to decay, injury, or other factors, implants can be placed on adjacent teeth as anchors before attaching new dentures.

10) Correct irregularities in the biting surface: Crowns give structure to teeth that have large fillings or expose the nerve and can be used to increase the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment.

11) Supports dental bridges: Without crown placement, there would be no foundation for a dental bridge to rest upon securely; this could cause problems for your jaw bone and lead to future surgeries. We all want you to maintain healthy gum tissue without bleeding.

12) Maintain proper alignment after periodontal surgery: This includes periodontal regeneration, where gum tissue has been destroyed by disease or injury. By stabilizing the area, crown placement helps to promote faster healing and decreases your risk of infection.

Who is it for?

1) Anyone who has lost one or more teeth: Dental crowns are used to restore your teeth’ function and health and help you retain a natural-looking smile. If you have damaged, decayed, broken, or missing teeth, a crown can be placed to give them back their strength and normal appearance.

2) Those who have had dental surgery: for example, dental implants, can be placed to give support when there is no tooth left next to the implant site. The Atlanta dentist does this by providing stability when wearing dentures so they will not move around & cause pain in adjacent areas.

3) People with chipped or fractured teeth: Crowns are usually made from metal but can also be made from tooth-colored materials such as porcelain to improve the appearance of your teeth.

4) Those who have had recent dental surgery: Crowns can be used to protect recently shaped roots and gum tissue that has been surgically treated; this gives support for implants or bridges already placed.

5) Those who want a more robust and more secure foundation for their denture: Dentures that rely on only the strength of remaining natural teeth will cause problems like excess pressure on natural teeth, jaw bone deterioration, and pain in adjacent areas due to movement. Crowns give stability when wearing dentures so they will not move around & cause pain in adjacent areas.

6) People with sensitive gums: A crown provides a protective cover for teeth that are continuously exposed to the world, as well as a barrier between your gums and the food you eat.

Cosmetic Dentistry

About cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry enhances a person’s smile through various non-invasive techniques. One of the main concerns about cosmetic treatments may not be effective, but each technique has been studied and proven to work.

Cosmetic dentistry, also known as esthetic dentistry, is the field of dentistry focused on restoring and improving a person’s smile. Smile design can be accomplished with other restorations such as porcelain veneers, dental bonding, or teeth whitening.

The term “cosmetic dentistry” is often used interchangeably with “smile design,” but the two terms are not synonymous. Smile design comprises all treatment that enhances your appearance, including bleaching or attaching crowns, while cosmetic dentistry encompasses surgical and non-surgical techniques to improve your oral health. Treatment can range from changing the color of one tooth to an entire smile makeover where teeth are straightened, aligned, and whitened.

Cosmetic dentistry can help to boost a patient’s self-esteem because everyone wants a healthy smile. If you have any questions or want your smile to look better, visit a dentist specializing in cosmetic procedures.

Many types of procedures are available for those who feel their teeth need some extra care. The following paragraphs will describe three standard methods: bleaching, bonding, and veneers.

Benefits of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is not just about improving the appearance of a patient’s teeth. There are many benefits to these treatments because they can be used to correct several issues such as:

  • asymmetry between the upper and lower teeth
  • spaces between teeth or gaps in between front or back teeth
  • discolorations of enamel range from mild yellowing to cracks and cavities
  • worn down tooth edges, besides being unsightly it may cause discomfort while eating to
  • large crowns that have become misshapen due to age or wear and tear, especially if you grind your teeth at night, which causes further damage over time. Besides cosmetic procedures, people can benefit from having their teeth straightened through orthodontic treatments to keep them clean and healthy

Another advantage of cosmetic dentistry is that you do not have to be in pain or uncomfortable for the procedure, which makes it ideal for people afraid of receiving dental treatment. Lastly, even if your dentist states you need a filling because you have chipped, misaligned, or slightly discolored teeth, it does not mean this treatment will cause pain. Most procedures fall under the ‘pain-free’ category, so patients can feel relaxed while undergoing these treatments.

Who is It for cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is used to help individuals with minor issues regarding smiles that they want to be solved without having to go through invasive procedures that may not be required.

Cosmetic dentistry is for people unhappy about their smile, whether it’s the color of their teeth or spacing between their front teeth. It can also help patients who have misshapen teeth because of aging, grinding at night, or even because they fell and fractured them. Cosmetic treatment has no age limit, so adults, teenagers, and children can get help with any cosmetic problems they notice.

Who is it NOT for?

Most commonly, people get cosmetic treatments if they have some issues with the appearance of their smile, but this does not mean every individual in need will receive care. There are several reasons why a dentist’s decline provides you with dental treatment. These reasons are:

  • if the patient does not have a sufficient amount of enamel left on their teeth
  • the dentist at Jupiter Advanced Dentistry has concerns about the health of the patient’s general oral condition because it may prevent effective treatments from being carried out
  • specific procedures are too complicated for disclosing individuals
  • they feel that one procedure is enough to solve all issues regarding your smile

For example, if you need crowns and veneers but only want the white film covering your front teeth removed, you will be declined due to it not being possible to carry out this treatment.


Cosmetic dentistry enhances an individual’s smile by repairing minor, aesthetic problems such as discolored and chipped teeth instead of forcing them to wear uncomfortable and unattractive dentures. Cosmetic treatments are pain-free, so individuals can avoid receiving the dental care that makes them very nervous and anxious. Lastly, cosmetic treatment does not have an age limit allowing adults, teenagers, and children to look after their teeth and smile.